Its been over a month now that we've been forging ahead keeping the JAM torch alight. Slowly but steadily the spirit is reaching hearts around. People join us and have fun but then they forget. Anyways a few stay like our pyara little HAIDER, which reminds me of the song "Imagine" by John Lennon that says "They may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope some day they'll join us and the world will live as one." So we move on. Remember Jyotsna, the Junooni who performed in the G.P.W. on 27th March, it was the start of the JAM dream(check out the first post which is dedicated to the same JAM cum SHOW). She was home during the college vacation and she is back and its great to hear one of the voices that heralded this Jam again. Only one voice that of Suraj Bhaiya is missing and I hope he'll visit us some day and share his voice again.
Gaurav Anand joined this time. All the regulars were present namely Nidhi, Haider, G.G., Manav, Ravish, Tarun. The list is growing every week. And we had a special guest, my dear Gopal Uncle with his wife and son, Vaibhav. Gopal uncle is a special person who has been such a huge support for me. I was really looking forward to his visit to the JAM.
My shyness and hesitation is disappearing now and I'm getting more and more comfortable with not just music but, the interactions with the crowd. The jam was full of energy and positive vibes. We sang "Hare Ram, Hare Krishna". This song has a nice, soothing effect on hearts and souls and it just initiates participation at once from the people around. The jam "Rocks On".
Following are the pics
Music For Meaning Faridabad
MFM Faridabad is the Faridabad (A city near New Delhi) chapter of the music for meaning movement, which originated from Mumbai.
In Faridabad, MFM constitutes of High energy musical performances, which use music to bring people together, to speak about worldwide issues through dynamic lyrics, and to make the youth and people think and reflect to lead better lives.
It also constitutes of the music for meaning 'sessions' held at sector 17, Faridabad.
In Faridabad, MFM constitutes of High energy musical performances, which use music to bring people together, to speak about worldwide issues through dynamic lyrics, and to make the youth and people think and reflect to lead better lives.
It also constitutes of the music for meaning 'sessions' held at sector 17, Faridabad.
What does MFM Faridabad Wish to achieve?
We do these high energy 'jams' which aim to:
Create an environment/atmosphere/of positivity through music and enable small scale 'community gatherings'
So that people participate and express themselves (and their creative energies) and forget their problems, worries for a while and live in the moment
To bring people together, create a platform for their interaction and intermingling..people find new friends, a new group to belong to
Articulate and stand for issues such as racial discrimation, environment and ecology, human rights, animal rights and make people think and reflect about the way they are living their lives
Create an environment/atmosphere/of positivity through music and enable small scale 'community gatherings'
So that people participate and express themselves (and their creative energies) and forget their problems, worries for a while and live in the moment
To bring people together, create a platform for their interaction and intermingling..people find new friends, a new group to belong to
Articulate and stand for issues such as racial discrimation, environment and ecology, human rights, animal rights and make people think and reflect about the way they are living their lives
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
A little contribution to this wonderful community on behalf of me...
Not accomplished or got training
We headed to a journey
Felt like ‘The great Columbus’
Went out to discover amazing
No maps or road
Or even direction compass
Enduring with our believe
And directing soul
Leading towards that path
Which take us to that world
Where we can see love for all
Where we can get some peace
Where we can feel some humanity in human being
And there we can find and make Music For Meaning.
Alike ‘Eklavya’ we are those shishya
Here our soul and spirit is our mentor
We lit a ray of hope in our worship
And sculpted our guru in work ship
Unlike ‘Dronacharya’
Our teacher too ask to pay the price
Rage, envy, cheat, hurt and lying
We first need to sacrifice
Coz, then only we will enter that world
There we get shower of love from all
There heart will be in peace
There we have humanity in ourselves as human being
And here we will make and play music for meaning
We have no wish to be a star
Nor have desire to touch the sky
No craving to be in top
Or inclined to fly high
Only we’re here to blend with you all
Like in milk sugar dissolves
Endeavor to prosper humankind
And unite everyone with our song
To create that harmony
Which give peace to our soul
Words are jeweled of care and affection
Cord producing hum of esteem
Here we sing for every one
Music for meaning
Music for meaning
Not accomplished or got training
We headed to a journey
Felt like ‘The great Columbus’
Went out to discover amazing
No maps or road
Or even direction compass
Enduring with our believe
And directing soul
Leading towards that path
Which take us to that world
Where we can see love for all
Where we can get some peace
Where we can feel some humanity in human being
And there we can find and make Music For Meaning.
Alike ‘Eklavya’ we are those shishya
Here our soul and spirit is our mentor
We lit a ray of hope in our worship
And sculpted our guru in work ship
Unlike ‘Dronacharya’
Our teacher too ask to pay the price
Rage, envy, cheat, hurt and lying
We first need to sacrifice
Coz, then only we will enter that world
There we get shower of love from all
There heart will be in peace
There we have humanity in ourselves as human being
And here we will make and play music for meaning
We have no wish to be a star
Nor have desire to touch the sky
No craving to be in top
Or inclined to fly high
Only we’re here to blend with you all
Like in milk sugar dissolves
Endeavor to prosper humankind
And unite everyone with our song
To create that harmony
Which give peace to our soul
Words are jeweled of care and affection
Cord producing hum of esteem
Here we sing for every one
Music for meaning
Music for meaning
Sunday, August 3, 2008
I was in very high spirits after the amazing jam we had last sunday. To every action there is a reaction ans after every high comes a low. But realx guys it wasn't the same low as that of 6th July which made us all realise how we were straying from the true purpose of this jam. It was just that most of the members were coincidentally absent this sunday. We missed G.G., Vikas, Vipul, Chanakya and many others who were all very mysteriously absent this time. But there was Nidhi, Ravish, Haider and Manav.
And to our surprise there were two guys form THE NAVBHARAT TIMES waiting for us to cover and study the jam. So our efforts are being recognised and appreciated and we have just started. The shaping up of the jam seems to be going great guns and the idea is spreading like a wild fire here. This feeling of watching your dream unfold into the real world is simply inexplicable. And now this media coverage will spread the jam spirit further.
The people coming to SRS now recognise us and a few actually come over every sunday to expand this ever growing jam band as Suraj bhaiya says. Hats off to all the people who have made this little dream unravel day by day into reality. We all have made it possible together and lets go stronger, faster and higher now.
We started the jams with a flurry of songs mixing up the popular songs with the meaningful ones and enjoying, entertaining as well as spreading good messages through music and sharing our voices. We people were few this time and so the volume level was low. The energy levels though were high. Nidhi and me, we had to keep our voices high and worked very hard as there were few who were sharing voices with us. But that just didn't seem to bother us at all and we carried on relentlessly for about two hours and the media guys were busy capturing the action as well.
I can always feel a force with me now which lets me express myself unabashedly. Well its all about taking an initiation and taking the lead when the people around aren't in a state of mind when they can express themselves and join the cause with liberty.
That is when we should take a lead and then our energy reaches the people around and they then participate more freely then. the result is a great chemistry that gets set up between all the people involved in the jam. This energy reaches the ones around who observe the jam and wish to join it but are hesitant and helps in breaking the shackles that stop them from participating.
No pics this time all our photographers were absent but hey the pics landed up in the NAVBHARAT TIMES.
Signing off.........RAM RAM
And to our surprise there were two guys form THE NAVBHARAT TIMES waiting for us to cover and study the jam. So our efforts are being recognised and appreciated and we have just started. The shaping up of the jam seems to be going great guns and the idea is spreading like a wild fire here. This feeling of watching your dream unfold into the real world is simply inexplicable. And now this media coverage will spread the jam spirit further.
The people coming to SRS now recognise us and a few actually come over every sunday to expand this ever growing jam band as Suraj bhaiya says. Hats off to all the people who have made this little dream unravel day by day into reality. We all have made it possible together and lets go stronger, faster and higher now.
We started the jams with a flurry of songs mixing up the popular songs with the meaningful ones and enjoying, entertaining as well as spreading good messages through music and sharing our voices. We people were few this time and so the volume level was low. The energy levels though were high. Nidhi and me, we had to keep our voices high and worked very hard as there were few who were sharing voices with us. But that just didn't seem to bother us at all and we carried on relentlessly for about two hours and the media guys were busy capturing the action as well.
I can always feel a force with me now which lets me express myself unabashedly. Well its all about taking an initiation and taking the lead when the people around aren't in a state of mind when they can express themselves and join the cause with liberty.
That is when we should take a lead and then our energy reaches the people around and they then participate more freely then. the result is a great chemistry that gets set up between all the people involved in the jam. This energy reaches the ones around who observe the jam and wish to join it but are hesitant and helps in breaking the shackles that stop them from participating.
No pics this time all our photographers were absent but hey the pics landed up in the NAVBHARAT TIMES.
Signing off.........RAM RAM
Thursday, July 24, 2008
13th July, Here comes the true spirit of the jam
Vowing to set our act straight we had left from the last sunday jam. Deep inside our hearts the true spirit of the JAM was waiting to be unleashed. It was high time now, entertainment is a part of the jams but that doesn't mean that we JUNOONIS should focus solely on that acting as mere crowd-pullers. And evryone of us had realised this. So, with a rejuvenated morale we pulled off the JAM that we dream of, the JAM that the vision embodies, the JAM that isn't mere recreation but, a platform for undisclosed talents, a unifying catalyst, a place to share dreams, a mutual conference where we can discuss the issues bothering us.
The energy was at an all time high. Tarun was back after the break he took last sunday. Manav, a picture of humility, as usual was present. And the third of the guitar trio, Vipul-it was his last jam in Faridabad. He has been called by his company to MUMBAI and he is hell-bent on joining the Mumbai jams. So he'll stay with the cause. G.G. and Nidhi, our ideal cheerleaders were ready. We have a another guitarist too getting regular now, Ravish who was busy taking pics though this time.
And i've always forgotten to mention of a regular guy, Haider, who has been so supportive since the very first moment he came across us. He sings really well and scores high energy and spirit wise too.
Akhil and his friend Sumit have become regulars and there was Navi with a friend too. Thanks heaven we had Rakesh bhaiya with us for the first time with us. He is a devoted follower and supporter of MFM. His sheer presence lifts my spirits several notches higher.
First we had an introduction of everyone of us presnt there and then I shared the concept with the guys. We started with a beautiful song, "Imagine", By John Lennon. So simple yet so moving. And this time over we distributed the lyrics among the people so that they could easily relate to the songs. Then we sang the pukaar for mother nature, "Bandeh" and then songs like "Knockin' on Heaven's Door", "Allah ke bande" alongwith popular numbers. So keeping our focus was on positive songs we were busy spreading messages around in the very good atmosphere we had managed to create. People were receptive this time and i could feel that chemistry that connection with the people around. We distributed lyrics of most of the songs and that helped to connect to a great extent.
It was Vipul's last jam and what great spirit he was exhibiting. It was so gratifying watching him dance to the tunes of the concept. We had had a long conversation regarding the idea and he has responded so well to it. I could feel that sense of gratitude that need not be expressed in his eyes for the teacher inside me he had come across. It was an emotional moment for me. We sang the self composed MFM theme song "Give Peace A Chance" and a bhajan, "Hare Raam, Hare Krishna", composed by Suraj Bhaiya and me. The jam had created a wonderful positive vibe around and people were listening and accepting the messages we were wailing out loud. It was a divine experience, that feeling of connection with the fellow beings. The songs went so smooth like a well prepared performance spontaneously. It naturally got so well organised and awesome. And we even had a dance from an Uncle ji. That atmosphere cannot be put into words it was like a Masterpiece of a great artist.
What i felt at the end of the day it really doesn't matter whether the people here are receptive and enterprising or not. What actually matters is a firm initiation that we took in this jam and didn't do the same in previous jams. So i took the lead and began expressing myself and the whole idea behind the JAM. We just have to take a positive step forward and the Almighty takes care of the rest. We just need to believe in ourselves and the message that we are preaching. And like in this jam in future too we'll have like-minded guys coming out of nowhere and sharing voices with us. It just a matter of strong faith and a firm initiation. When we do that the Universe conspires to bring success to the activity.
Time for some pics
The energy was at an all time high. Tarun was back after the break he took last sunday. Manav, a picture of humility, as usual was present. And the third of the guitar trio, Vipul-it was his last jam in Faridabad. He has been called by his company to MUMBAI and he is hell-bent on joining the Mumbai jams. So he'll stay with the cause. G.G. and Nidhi, our ideal cheerleaders were ready. We have a another guitarist too getting regular now, Ravish who was busy taking pics though this time.
And i've always forgotten to mention of a regular guy, Haider, who has been so supportive since the very first moment he came across us. He sings really well and scores high energy and spirit wise too.
Akhil and his friend Sumit have become regulars and there was Navi with a friend too. Thanks heaven we had Rakesh bhaiya with us for the first time with us. He is a devoted follower and supporter of MFM. His sheer presence lifts my spirits several notches higher.
First we had an introduction of everyone of us presnt there and then I shared the concept with the guys. We started with a beautiful song, "Imagine", By John Lennon. So simple yet so moving. And this time over we distributed the lyrics among the people so that they could easily relate to the songs. Then we sang the pukaar for mother nature, "Bandeh" and then songs like "Knockin' on Heaven's Door", "Allah ke bande" alongwith popular numbers. So keeping our focus was on positive songs we were busy spreading messages around in the very good atmosphere we had managed to create. People were receptive this time and i could feel that chemistry that connection with the people around. We distributed lyrics of most of the songs and that helped to connect to a great extent.
It was Vipul's last jam and what great spirit he was exhibiting. It was so gratifying watching him dance to the tunes of the concept. We had had a long conversation regarding the idea and he has responded so well to it. I could feel that sense of gratitude that need not be expressed in his eyes for the teacher inside me he had come across. It was an emotional moment for me. We sang the self composed MFM theme song "Give Peace A Chance" and a bhajan, "Hare Raam, Hare Krishna", composed by Suraj Bhaiya and me. The jam had created a wonderful positive vibe around and people were listening and accepting the messages we were wailing out loud. It was a divine experience, that feeling of connection with the fellow beings. The songs went so smooth like a well prepared performance spontaneously. It naturally got so well organised and awesome. And we even had a dance from an Uncle ji. That atmosphere cannot be put into words it was like a Masterpiece of a great artist.
What i felt at the end of the day it really doesn't matter whether the people here are receptive and enterprising or not. What actually matters is a firm initiation that we took in this jam and didn't do the same in previous jams. So i took the lead and began expressing myself and the whole idea behind the JAM. We just have to take a positive step forward and the Almighty takes care of the rest. We just need to believe in ourselves and the message that we are preaching. And like in this jam in future too we'll have like-minded guys coming out of nowhere and sharing voices with us. It just a matter of strong faith and a firm initiation. When we do that the Universe conspires to bring success to the activity.
Time for some pics
Thursday, July 17, 2008
6th July, I got to overcome the blues
The junoonis were ready for the third trip to MFM JAMnagar. Finally Gaurav Anand joined in this time over and Ravish(a college junior and a guitar student) too came over for the jam. Remember Gautam, the 15 year old guitar maestro, he had introduced me to a guy Mukund some time ago. Mukund too came alongwith a friend Puneet and both played really nicely throughout the jam. Some students namely Varsha, Asheesh, Gaurav(baut gaurav hain yaar), Chanakya(the regular boy). And is baar to Poonam didi ne bhi join kiya. She is the one who made possible the first jam(the one in G.P.W., Faridabad). She is a huge supporter and motivator for us, so simple and yet so strong.
The area around the fountains was all wet so we decided to jam inside the mall, the same spot where we jammed last sunday. Vipul, Ravish, Mukund and yours truly began playing with the rest of the junoonis keeping enery levels high alongwith us. We played "Kabhi Kabhi", "Laree Chooti", "Sajni", "Dooba Dooba" and may other nice numbers. Puneet was inintially reluctant but then the Junoon made him give up his hesitation and he took the Six String and played with vigour(A demo of power of music that was).
The crowd response seemed pretty weak this time but why were we so concerned about it. We should have carried on keeping in mind the purpose of the JAM. Why did we want to pull people towards us? Why weren't we letting the cause act as the bridge between crowd and us, and were instead ourselves acting as the show-stoppers and the crowd-pullers? The previous two jams were all about music and recreation but still that was the start and now its the time to give shape to the VISION. The first two jams it didn't hurt but this time it hurt as at least i felt as if i was a showpiece meant to just attract people. The purpose of the jam is strong enough a force to bring people together.
The energies in the jam were high but that purpose was missing and that was when i felt those BLUES. Although we did come across a guy, Arun who loved this activity and spoke heartfelt words for us. He called up his mother on the phone and we sang "Maa" for her over the phone. He was delighted. That moment really lit me up. That was the moment i felt "Jo hota hai ache ke liye hi hota hai". So I got a little boost. But, then the jam was interrupted by a Mall Official who was acting on someone's complaint. Then again the same guy, Arun stepped in to defend the jam. That was really great of him and such are the moments that reinforce one's faith during difficult times. Infact, we were allowed to Jam again. But, it was almost the time to leave so we packed up and decided to move and return with some heavier doses of Junoon. That was a sign from heavens for me to set our ACT straight. And who doesn't have a bad day in the office some time? So I decided that next time over it'll be more than just recreation and fun.
Time for some Pics
The area around the fountains was all wet so we decided to jam inside the mall, the same spot where we jammed last sunday. Vipul, Ravish, Mukund and yours truly began playing with the rest of the junoonis keeping enery levels high alongwith us. We played "Kabhi Kabhi", "Laree Chooti", "Sajni", "Dooba Dooba" and may other nice numbers. Puneet was inintially reluctant but then the Junoon made him give up his hesitation and he took the Six String and played with vigour(A demo of power of music that was).
The crowd response seemed pretty weak this time but why were we so concerned about it. We should have carried on keeping in mind the purpose of the JAM. Why did we want to pull people towards us? Why weren't we letting the cause act as the bridge between crowd and us, and were instead ourselves acting as the show-stoppers and the crowd-pullers? The previous two jams were all about music and recreation but still that was the start and now its the time to give shape to the VISION. The first two jams it didn't hurt but this time it hurt as at least i felt as if i was a showpiece meant to just attract people. The purpose of the jam is strong enough a force to bring people together.
The energies in the jam were high but that purpose was missing and that was when i felt those BLUES. Although we did come across a guy, Arun who loved this activity and spoke heartfelt words for us. He called up his mother on the phone and we sang "Maa" for her over the phone. He was delighted. That moment really lit me up. That was the moment i felt "Jo hota hai ache ke liye hi hota hai". So I got a little boost. But, then the jam was interrupted by a Mall Official who was acting on someone's complaint. Then again the same guy, Arun stepped in to defend the jam. That was really great of him and such are the moments that reinforce one's faith during difficult times. Infact, we were allowed to Jam again. But, it was almost the time to leave so we packed up and decided to move and return with some heavier doses of Junoon. That was a sign from heavens for me to set our ACT straight. And who doesn't have a bad day in the office some time? So I decided that next time over it'll be more than just recreation and fun.
Time for some Pics
Thursday, July 3, 2008
29th June, The dream goes on and i see an angel in it
We were eagerly waiting for sunday, 29th june after the great start of the sunday jams last sunday, 22nd june. This jam was vital as we had to keep the fire, that was sparked last sunday, alive.
The guitar threesome of Manav, Vipul and Tarun seem to be totally junoon-struck now and they're very keen on carrying on the torch of MFM jams as far as possible. And the threesome along with Vikas, G.G., and yours truly were ready to carry the dream forward. We practised for a little while and then left for SRS mall and started jamming at around 7:45 p.m.
There Akhil(a drum student) alongwith his two friends who also are music lovers(sorry guys forgot your names) and Bharat(another drums student) were waiting for us. It was there first time in the jam and i hope they join it as regulars in future. And this time we even had a 15 year old guitar maestro, Gautam playing in the jam as well. Gautam and i composed the song "Give peace a chance" written by Suraj bhaiya. I felt really nice for this boy. The concept will help him a lot in this tender age as he is very receptive to the idea and is very humble and down to earth despite being a real genius on the guitar. I hope he too becomes as regular as this jam can feed the hunger of music and people can utilise this common platform to express the divine power of music that comprises their thoughts and views as well. Chanakya joined the jam again and so did Vipul who brought his bhaiya along too.
And it was so nice to see Arvind again for the jam and he was not alone, his friends Ravi, Sanjay and James too were along. All these guys are music lovers and are very keen on joining the jams regularly.
I addressed the little gathering of friends around about the idea and the purpose of the jams as well as about the power of music and then we started with a nice, sweet song, "dil haarey pukare" by "jal". Then we sang my favourite "dosti" followed by "tu hi meri shab hai", "yaaron", "pal" and many others. Another keen guitar student, Deepak alongwith his friend, Varsha too joined in. Many people from the crowd joined and sung along enjoying every bit of the action.
Sanjay sang a great self composition which goes like "Chhod de apne aap pe bharosa, kar Masih pe bharosa" which had beautiful words and sweet music and he sang it so well "direct dil se". Sanjay composes christian songs and plays them alongwith his group in a church in Dabua Colony in community music events that are very similar to the concept of Music for Meaning. The song he sang for us was one of those beautiful songs and according to my interpretation it says that we should let go of the materialism in our lives and live the way God has sent here for. We should believe in God as he already has plans for us and we should lead our lives free from all worries of future enjoying every bit of the present of the beautiful life created by the Almighty.
Nidhi alongwith a friend too joined in. She is so effervescent and energetic, really raises the energy levels around. She'll be a regular i'm sure.
And G.G. and Vikas were all into the jam as usual cheering the people, singing and dancing with van unmatched vigour. These two guys have been the pillars of the foundation of MFM in Faridabad. And its greta to see them enjoying music so much.
The cloud cover had started pouring. So we went inside and then found a staircase on the first floor of the mall apt for the jam. We started singing again and we had a stupendous response from the crowd there. the crowd built up while we were playing and the place was all jam packed.
A little baby girl, she was an angel, joined the party and enjoyed with us all. Kids, I feel are the closest to God. Because as we grow up in age we get more and more spoiled by the materialism and the false divides and differences in our society that are all but creations of the corrupt human himself. The kids are the ones who are least hesitant and least indifferent towards the outside world. They dont know the definition of "WRONG", which is definitely not the one that has been fed into our minds while growing up, drifting us away from our fellow beings and above all from ourselves. The sight of that kid living every moment of her world unabashedly moved me.
The response to the jam was more than we expected. People came and enjoyed a lot and several promised to join the jam every sunday.
In the end Arvind gave some valuable inputs for the jam. It was very nice to see him participating whole-heartedly in the movement. He alongwith his friends took it so naturally, infact they are all very involved into such community events in church. And James had come despite being very ill, I was overwhelmed with this commitment towards a cause. You rocked guys. Keep on rocking in the free world. God bless all.
Time for some pics.
The Angel
James in green T-shirt(Body bimar hai to kya hua dil to mast hai); myself playing guitar and mere piche photo leta hua Chanakya
The Guitar maestro, Gautam
Strumming In Harmony L to R: Tarun, Sanjay, Vipul, Gautam and dur kone mein Manav
(The world's our stage)
Thats Nidhi in white with her friend besides her
(Miss High Energy)
The guitar threesome of Manav, Vipul and Tarun seem to be totally junoon-struck now and they're very keen on carrying on the torch of MFM jams as far as possible. And the threesome along with Vikas, G.G., and yours truly were ready to carry the dream forward. We practised for a little while and then left for SRS mall and started jamming at around 7:45 p.m.
There Akhil(a drum student) alongwith his two friends who also are music lovers(sorry guys forgot your names) and Bharat(another drums student) were waiting for us. It was there first time in the jam and i hope they join it as regulars in future. And this time we even had a 15 year old guitar maestro, Gautam playing in the jam as well. Gautam and i composed the song "Give peace a chance" written by Suraj bhaiya. I felt really nice for this boy. The concept will help him a lot in this tender age as he is very receptive to the idea and is very humble and down to earth despite being a real genius on the guitar. I hope he too becomes as regular as this jam can feed the hunger of music and people can utilise this common platform to express the divine power of music that comprises their thoughts and views as well. Chanakya joined the jam again and so did Vipul who brought his bhaiya along too.
And it was so nice to see Arvind again for the jam and he was not alone, his friends Ravi, Sanjay and James too were along. All these guys are music lovers and are very keen on joining the jams regularly.
I addressed the little gathering of friends around about the idea and the purpose of the jams as well as about the power of music and then we started with a nice, sweet song, "dil haarey pukare" by "jal". Then we sang my favourite "dosti" followed by "tu hi meri shab hai", "yaaron", "pal" and many others. Another keen guitar student, Deepak alongwith his friend, Varsha too joined in. Many people from the crowd joined and sung along enjoying every bit of the action.
Sanjay sang a great self composition which goes like "Chhod de apne aap pe bharosa, kar Masih pe bharosa" which had beautiful words and sweet music and he sang it so well "direct dil se". Sanjay composes christian songs and plays them alongwith his group in a church in Dabua Colony in community music events that are very similar to the concept of Music for Meaning. The song he sang for us was one of those beautiful songs and according to my interpretation it says that we should let go of the materialism in our lives and live the way God has sent here for. We should believe in God as he already has plans for us and we should lead our lives free from all worries of future enjoying every bit of the present of the beautiful life created by the Almighty.
Nidhi alongwith a friend too joined in. She is so effervescent and energetic, really raises the energy levels around. She'll be a regular i'm sure.
And G.G. and Vikas were all into the jam as usual cheering the people, singing and dancing with van unmatched vigour. These two guys have been the pillars of the foundation of MFM in Faridabad. And its greta to see them enjoying music so much.
The cloud cover had started pouring. So we went inside and then found a staircase on the first floor of the mall apt for the jam. We started singing again and we had a stupendous response from the crowd there. the crowd built up while we were playing and the place was all jam packed.
A little baby girl, she was an angel, joined the party and enjoyed with us all. Kids, I feel are the closest to God. Because as we grow up in age we get more and more spoiled by the materialism and the false divides and differences in our society that are all but creations of the corrupt human himself. The kids are the ones who are least hesitant and least indifferent towards the outside world. They dont know the definition of "WRONG", which is definitely not the one that has been fed into our minds while growing up, drifting us away from our fellow beings and above all from ourselves. The sight of that kid living every moment of her world unabashedly moved me.
The response to the jam was more than we expected. People came and enjoyed a lot and several promised to join the jam every sunday.
In the end Arvind gave some valuable inputs for the jam. It was very nice to see him participating whole-heartedly in the movement. He alongwith his friends took it so naturally, infact they are all very involved into such community events in church. And James had come despite being very ill, I was overwhelmed with this commitment towards a cause. You rocked guys. Keep on rocking in the free world. God bless all.
Time for some pics.

(The world's our stage)
(Miss High Energy)
Monday, June 30, 2008
22nd June, The dream comes true
So finally the junoonis have marked the beginning of the routine every sunday jam in Faridabad as well.Here I'll share the first sunday jam which wasnt planneed or organised but just happened, the Almighty had laid out the plans for it.
I practised with three students, Tarun, Manav and Vipul who have begun playing the guitar really well now for sometime and we left for SRS mall along with my roomies and friends G.G. and Vikas (remember the support staff in the previous post) and reached there at around 8:00 p.m.
The very purpose of MFM as well as the MFM music school is taking shape now. I believe it is the dawn of a new era here, where I can imagine the unifying essence of music reaching every heart and spreading harmony and positivity around.
I can feel it now, the musical revolution that was sparked off when we planned to bring MFM to Faridabad and begun with the opening of the music school to start and support the propagation of the concept.
The junoon is rubbing off on all the students and now it'll reach many others with the beginning of the jams now.It was like the first passout batch of the school getting ready to jam who'll soon be joined by others forming the evergrowing MFM jam band.
It was a very satisfying moment for the teacher inside me to see three of my pupils walking the path i wish to see them on.I always believe that the music of a Musician gives him a great power that can heal wounded hearts and mend broken ties in the society.So the concept came very naturally to me and i thanks Suraj Bhaiya for this Enlightenment.
Lets start the action now.We started with my favourite, "Dosti" and then "Khudi" by "Junoon". These songs with their message of friendship, hope and faith really fire me up. Some other students, Vinny, Vipul, Chanakya of our school too joined the jam and Vinny and Vipul did a great job keeping high energy levels really drowned in the junoon. And our manager saab G.G. and Vikas too were doing great singing,dancing and cheering up the crowd. It was great to see them all enjoying the jam so much.
The people came, few stayed and most took notice but left but we were unfazed. I see those dreams where one day this junoon will strike many a hearts. and a few did stay with us and the feeling was very nice, the energies of the people around in harmony. and we just belted out one song after another keeping levels high. One of the guys, Arvind from the crowd sang with us throughout the jam and another one, Rishi too joined the party.I could see smiles all around(cloud no. 9). People fromall castes adn religions who hardly have time for each other stood there together enjoying the song and dance act. SANGEET KE RANG MEIN RANG RAHE THE SAB.
We had a dance performance too from a guy there who spread many cheers around. i could feel an unknown energy surrounding the jam which was radiating and reaching the people out there.
The jam was all masti and music was what people wanted so i could hardly interact with people. Although Vikas and G.G. did manage to interact with a few people. But i felt even this all masti routine served the purpose nicely as it did manage to bring smiles on the many faces around.
And what can be better than the joys that we managed to scatter over there. There must have been many people bogged down with troubles, many with pains in their heart and we could bring joy to them for a few moments at least.
Time for some pics.
I practised with three students, Tarun, Manav and Vipul who have begun playing the guitar really well now for sometime and we left for SRS mall along with my roomies and friends G.G. and Vikas (remember the support staff in the previous post) and reached there at around 8:00 p.m.
The very purpose of MFM as well as the MFM music school is taking shape now. I believe it is the dawn of a new era here, where I can imagine the unifying essence of music reaching every heart and spreading harmony and positivity around.
I can feel it now, the musical revolution that was sparked off when we planned to bring MFM to Faridabad and begun with the opening of the music school to start and support the propagation of the concept.
The junoon is rubbing off on all the students and now it'll reach many others with the beginning of the jams now.It was like the first passout batch of the school getting ready to jam who'll soon be joined by others forming the evergrowing MFM jam band.
It was a very satisfying moment for the teacher inside me to see three of my pupils walking the path i wish to see them on.I always believe that the music of a Musician gives him a great power that can heal wounded hearts and mend broken ties in the society.So the concept came very naturally to me and i thanks Suraj Bhaiya for this Enlightenment.
Lets start the action now.We started with my favourite, "Dosti" and then "Khudi" by "Junoon". These songs with their message of friendship, hope and faith really fire me up. Some other students, Vinny, Vipul, Chanakya of our school too joined the jam and Vinny and Vipul did a great job keeping high energy levels really drowned in the junoon. And our manager saab G.G. and Vikas too were doing great singing,dancing and cheering up the crowd. It was great to see them all enjoying the jam so much.
The people came, few stayed and most took notice but left but we were unfazed. I see those dreams where one day this junoon will strike many a hearts. and a few did stay with us and the feeling was very nice, the energies of the people around in harmony. and we just belted out one song after another keeping levels high. One of the guys, Arvind from the crowd sang with us throughout the jam and another one, Rishi too joined the party.I could see smiles all around(cloud no. 9). People fromall castes adn religions who hardly have time for each other stood there together enjoying the song and dance act. SANGEET KE RANG MEIN RANG RAHE THE SAB.
We had a dance performance too from a guy there who spread many cheers around. i could feel an unknown energy surrounding the jam which was radiating and reaching the people out there.
The jam was all masti and music was what people wanted so i could hardly interact with people. Although Vikas and G.G. did manage to interact with a few people. But i felt even this all masti routine served the purpose nicely as it did manage to bring smiles on the many faces around.
And what can be better than the joys that we managed to scatter over there. There must have been many people bogged down with troubles, many with pains in their heart and we could bring joy to them for a few moments at least.
Time for some pics.
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